Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I got a lot of things to do

Wasted man!
Could have join the dance the other day.
But i was such a pussy that time. =_=''
Wish i had the guts!
Or that goodness damn mothar F... is going down..

Okay forget it.
Just crapping.
Those who don't know.
I quited shuffling.
Join poppin dance. :)
Going thru college aint easy u know?
A lot of freedom but lack of time.

How to go thru college?
1st: When u enter the college, never show a lcly face. Or u will be the victim. Especially a few people.
2nd: U are nobody there! So don't try to be a hero!
3rd: Always mix around with different people.
4th: Stay cool/ hot. Not too hot, or u will be stuck with the guy in the toilet or canteen. DAMN! X_X
5th: Never argue with lecturers. They can fail u anytime =X
6th: Always be on time. Or u won't be able to sit for exam. Barred!
7th: When u think u are ready, show them what u got!
8th: Be active in sports. It will bring u more friends.
9th: Do all your work. Lecturers can black list u anytime.

That's all. X_X Busy.

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